> Changelog

Version 1.2.0 (upcoming)
Thursday, January 19, 2006
- Parser: Rewritten complete parser code
- Parser: Modular parser core (for possible future AS1 and AS3 support)
- Parser: New parser creates doctree on syntax which should fix all parser related issues
- Style: Anchor Style mismatch in XHTML Style
- Style: Tags between <code> tags were removed in RTF output
- Style: New Flash 8 Documentation Style
- GUI: Small improvements
- General: Generation speed improvements
- Style: @event support
- General: Several bugfixes

Version 1.1.1
Thursday, February 17, 2005
- GUI: Removed Project Dialog Debug information
- Parser: Comments using // following a */ caused the generation not to continue
- Style: Updated Flashhelp Style to conform to MX 2004 Professional Version Component Documentation
- Style: Updated Flashhelp Style to list inherited members in class overview
- Parser: Brackets in Field initialisation caused problems with Metadata parsing

Version 1.1.0
Monday, February 7, 2005
- Style: New XHTML/CSS Documentation Style
- Style: New Stub Code Generation Style
- GUI: Fixed buttons staying disabled after missing path message
- Core: Added Metadata support - [Tag(key=value,...)] (Not reflected in styles yet)
- XSLT: COM Helper Object functionality targeting to improve speed, usability and enabling more features
- Core: Added {@include} inline tag for external file inculsion

Version 1.0.8
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
- Style: Various minor updates in all styles
- Core: Support for #include directive
- GUI: Dialog text on browse dialog
- Parser: Improved parameter comment parsing
- GUI: Unicode support updates
- Fix: Revised support for Unicode

Version 1.0.5
Thursday, November 11, 2004
- Style: Added @deprecated tag functionality
- GUI: New classview with easier and faster package/class/interface selection
- Style: MXI .as directory defaults to "Classes/" now and available as style-parameter
- Parser: function parameters spanning multiple lines are read correctly now
- Parser: Some trailing ------*/ sequences appeared in documentation
- Core: Generated files are no longer "locked" if an error occurs
- Core: Changed Property handling
- All styles now merge properties on a single page if possible
- Style: RTF Style failed generation on incomplete parameter comment tags
- Fixed problem with Unicode characters on package summary in RTF style
- Fixed footer problems with different language versions of Word

Version 1.0.0
Friday, August 20, 2004
- Style: Added Flash MX 2004 HelpPanel Style
- Parser: Added option to parse comments in JavaDoc "." sperator style
- Parser: Fixed problem with empty methods - method{}
- Parser: Fixed property/method parsing (methodname: set or get)
- Core: Fixed comment inheritance on properties
- Parser: Obsolete space was added in some short descriptions
- Style: Supports UTF-8 correctly as specified by RTF 1.8 specification
- Style: Corrected problems with Unicode characters in RTF output
- CLI: Problem if style did not exist in project.xml but was specified with -style option

Version 0.9.8
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
- Style: Added new HTML Style Parameter - "footer"
- Core: Wildcard <file> copy action generated a directory even if it did not exist in sourcedir
- Parser: Fixed problem with continues multiple-tags with multiple lines
- XML: @param comment tags now receive attribute "id"
- Core: Changed @param tag handling
- Parser: Correct @param [<name>] <description> handling (if name is omitted, order counts)
- Style: Fixed problems with Frame display
- Style: @link, @see resolving displays text instead of dead-link if target not found
- Core: Automatic comment inheritance based on implementations and superclass/interface
- Core: Adding "Overrides" and "Specified by" tags
- Style: HTML Style improvements
- Core: XML Serialization fixes
- Core: Fixed rare threading problem causing crash
- Parser: Minor parsing improvements
- CLI: Added -g <pkg|class> option
- GUI: Project Save/Load for selected packages/classes
- Core: Changed handling of generation pipe
- Style: Enabled frames in HTML style
- Style: Added CustomActions Style
- Style: Added RTF Style

Version 0.9.7
Friday, July 9, 2004
- GUI: Dynamic Style Configuration
- GUI: Minimizing window works properly now
- CLI: CLI Parameters override Project settings
- CLI: Style Parameter support -s:<name>
- CLI: Implemented project file handling
- CLI: Generation speed improvement
- Parser: Field parsing improvements
- Core: Improved Parameter handling

Version 0.9.6 BETA
Saturday, June 12, 2004
- GUI: Project Load/Save
- CLI: -styleoptions implemented
- Style: Added -s:<option> <parameter> support
- Parser: Multi-line <code> tags are converted to <pre>
- Style: Output encoding matches xsl:output encoding attribute
- Style: Fixed Interface details hiararchy and inheritance
- Core: Generation does not freeze GUI
- Core: Show total processed packages, classes and interfaces
- Core: Resolve class/interface references to fully qualified names
- XML: UTF-8 encoding for xml documentation
- GUI: Notice while overview list is searching classes
- Core: Creates abstract source documentation tree enables multiple sourcepaths
- Parser: AS1 parsing fixes
- CLI: Generation from command line with standard options
- Parser: Enable html escaping within <code>
- Parser: <code> tags preserve linebreaks and whitespaces correctly now
- Parser: Skips same character sequences (/****...,/**-----------..., etc)
- Styles: Fixed parent properties not listed in all cases
- Styles: Added wildcard support in copy directives
- Styles: Added class hierarchies
- Styles: Interface lists all known implementing classes

Version 0.9.5 BETA
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
- CSS: Style update
- XML: Minor Fixes
- Styles: Show inherited members in summary
- Styles: Class Detail Hirarchy Tree
- XML: If last class in a package was ignored a bad namespace was created
- XML: get/set methods receive read,write access attributes
- Styles: get/set methods grouped in "Property" category now
- Parser: {} within comments caused parsing problems
- Styles: Minor XSL fixes
- Styles: Fixed <root> class support & low level packages
- Styles: Added {@link} support and link generation
- Styles: Added @see support and link generation
- Parser: Multiple tags handled correctly now
- Styles: Added {@docRoot} support
- Styles: Added multiple continues tags support (@see, @author)
- Core: CLI & GUI hybrid functionality

Version 0.9.4 BETA
Monday, March 22, 2004
- Release: Public Trial Version
