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class Delegate


class Delegate
extends Object

The Delegate class creates a function wrapper to let you run a function in the context of the original object, rather than in the context of the second object, when you pass a function from one object to another.

Fields inherited from class Object

__proto__, constructor, prototype


Delegate ( f: Function)

Method Summary

create ( obj: Object, func: Function ): Function
Creates a functions wrapper for the original function so that it runs in the provided context.

createDelegate ( obj: Object ): Function

Methods inherited from class Object

addProperty, hasOwnProperty, isPropertyEnumerable, isPrototypeOf, registerClass, toLocaleString, toString, unwatch, valueOf, watch

Constructor Documentation


function Delegate(f: Function)

Method Documentation


static function create(obj: Object,
 func: Function): Function
Creates a functions wrapper for the original function so that it runs in the provided context.


function createDelegate(obj: Object): Function

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