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class Slide


class Slide
extends Screen

Slide class - extends Screen - Adds management of sequential slides, automatic keyboard navigation and overlaying

Field Summary

autoKeyNav: String
Use default keydown handling of arrow keys to navigate slides

className: String
name of this class

overlayChildren: Boolean
Display child slides as bullet-style overlays

playHidden: Boolean
Continue to play the slide's timeline when the slide is not visible

symbolName: String
SymbolName for object

symbolOwner: Object
Class used in createClassObject

Fields inherited from class mx.screens.Screen

borderStyle, className, symbolName, symbolOwner

Fields inherited from class mx.controls.Loader

__autoLoad, __bytesLoaded, __bytesTotal, __contentPath, __scaleContent, className, clipParameters, contentHolder, livePreview, mergedClipParameters, symbolName, symbolOwner, version

Fields inherited from class mx.core.View

__tabIndex, border_mc, boundingBox_mc, childNameBase, className, createClassChildAtDepth, depth, loadExternal, symbolName, symbolOwner, version

Fields inherited from class mx.core.UIComponent

clipParameters, drawFocus, enabled, focusEnabled, focusManager, focusTextField, groupName, kStretch, mergedClipParameters, origBorderStyles, origBorderValues, popUp, symbolName, symbolOwner, tabEnabled, tabIndex, version

Fields inherited from class mx.core.UIObject

__height, __width, _color, _topmost, addEventListener, buildDepthTable, changeColorStyleInChildren, changeTextStyleInChildren, childrenCreated, className, clipParameters, color, createAccessibilityImplementation, createChildAtDepth, createEvent, ction, dispatchEvent, embedFonts, findNextAvailableDepth, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, handleEvent, idNames, ignoreClassStyleDeclaration, initProperties, marginLeft, marginRight, methodTable, notifyStyleChangeInChildren, removeEventListener, setStyle, stylecache, styleName, symbolName, symbolOwner, textAlign, textColorList, textDecoration, textIndent, validateNow, version

Fields inherited from class MovieClip

_alpha, _currentframe, _droptarget, _focusrect, _framesloaded, _height, _lockroot, _name, _parent, _quality, _rotation, _soundbuftime, _target, _totalframes, _url, _visible, _width, _x, _xmouse, _xscale, _y, _ymouse, _yscale, enabled, focusEnabled, hitArea, tabChildren, tabEnabled, tabIndex, tooltipText, trackAsMenu, useHandCursor

Fields inherited from class Object

__proto__, constructor, prototype

Property Summary

currentChildSlide: Slide (read-only)
Immediate child slide that contains the current (leaf-node) slide.

public static
currentFocusedSlide: Slide (read-only)
Leaf-node slide that contains the current focused field or component Read-Only: use setFocus() to set the focus

currentSlide: Slide (read-only)
Leaf-node slide that is currently active Read-Only: use gotoSlide() to set the currentChildSlide

defaultKeyDownHandler: Function (read, write)
keydown handler to call to process keys for this slide

firstSlide: Slide (read-only)
First leaf slide in this slide's subtree Read-Only: use createChild() to create new slides

indexInParentSlide: Number (read-only)
zero-based index of this slide in its parent (getChildSlide) Read-Only: use createChild() to add new child slides

lastSlide: Slide (read-only)
Last leaf slide in this slide's subtree Read-Only: use createChild() to create new slides

nextSlide: Slide (read-only)
next slide after this slide in the slide outline Read-Only: use createChild() to add new child slides

numChildSlides: Number (read-only)
number of children of this slide that are slides, not including forms Read-Only: use createChild() to add new child slides

parentIsSlide: Boolean (read-only)
True if this slide's _parent is a slide Read-Only: use createChild() to add new child slides

parentSlide: Slide (read-only)
Slide containing this slide.

previousSlide: Slide (read-only)
previous slide before this slide in the slide outline Read-Only: use createChild() to add new child slides

rootSlide: Slide (read-only)
Root slide of the slide subtree that contains this screen Read-Only: use createChild() to add new child screens

Properties inherited from class mx.screens.Screen

currentFocusedScreen, indexInParent, numChildScreens, parentIsScreen, parentScreen, rootScreen, transitionManager

Properties inherited from class mx.controls.Loader

autoLoad, bytesLoaded, bytesTotal, content, contentPath, percentLoaded, scaleContent

Properties inherited from class mx.core.View

numChildren, tabIndex

Properties inherited from class mx.core.UIComponent

height, width

Properties inherited from class mx.core.UIObject

bottom, height, left, minHeight, minWidth, right, scaleX, scaleY, top, visible, width, x, y


Slide ( )
Slide class constructor

Method Summary

childLoaded ( obj: MovieClip ): Void
handle fixups when we load a subtree in from an external movie using createChild()

destroyChildAt ( childIndex: Number ): Void
Override from View class.

doLaterGotoSlide ( )
Private methods deferred gotoSlide processing when gotoSlide() is called re-entrantly

getChildSlide ( childIndex: Number ): Slide
Get the nth child of this slide (zero-based)

gotoFirstSlide ( )
Navigate to the first leaf slide below this slide

gotoLastSlide ( )
Navigate to the last leaf slide below this slide

gotoNextSlide ( ): Boolean
Navigate to the next leaf slide after this slide

gotoPreviousSlide ( ): Boolean
Navigate to the previous leaf slide before this slide

gotoSlide ( newSlide: Slide ): Boolean
Navigate to a different slide

Methods inherited from class mx.screens.Screen

allTransitionsInDone, allTransitionsOutDone, childLoaded, createChild, createChildren, destroyChildAt, doScaleLoader, drawFocus, getChildScreen

Methods inherited from class mx.controls.Loader

childLoaded, createChildren, dispatchEvent, doScaleContent, doScaleLoader, draw, getAutoLoad, getBytesLoaded, getBytesTotal, getContent, getContentPath, getPercentLoaded, getScaleContent, init, load, setAutoLoad, setContentPath, setScaleContent, setSize, size, unScaleContent

Methods inherited from class mx.core.View

addLayoutObject, childLoaded, convertToUIObject, createChild, createChildren, destroyChildAt, doLayout, draw, extension, getChildAt, init, initLayout, size

Methods inherited from class mx.core.UIComponent

dispatchValueChangedEvent, enabledChanged, findFocusFromObject, findFocusInChildren, getFocus, getFocusManager, init, isParent, onKillFocus, onSetFocus, pressFocus, releaseFocus, setEnabled, setFocus, setVisible, size

Methods inherited from class mx.core.UIObject

__getTextFormat, _createChildren, _getTextFormat, cancelAllDoLaters, constructObject, createChildren, createClassObject, createEmptyObject, createLabel, createObject, createSkin, destroyObject, doLater, doLaterDispatcher, draw, drawRect, getClassStyleDeclaration, getMinHeight, getMinWidth, getSkinIDName, getStyle, getStyleName, init, initFromClipParameters, invalidate, invalidateStyle, mergeClipParameters, move, redraw, setColor, setMinHeight, setMinWidth, setSize, setSkin, setVisible, size

Methods inherited from class MovieClip

attachAudio, attachMovie, beginFill, beginGradientFill, clear, createEmptyMovieClip, createTextField, curveTo, duplicateMovieClip, endFill, getBounds, getBytesLoaded, getBytesTotal, getDepth, getInstanceAtDepth, getNextHighestDepth, getSWFVersion, getTextSnapshot, getURL, globalToLocal, gotoAndPlay, gotoAndStop, hitTest, lineStyle, lineTo, loadMovie, loadVariables, localToGlobal, moveTo, nextFrame, onData, onDragOut, onDragOver, onEnterFrame, onKeyDown, onKeyUp, onKillFocus, onLoad, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseUp, onPress, onRelease, onReleaseOutside, onRollOut, onRollOver, onSetFocus, onUnload, play, prevFrame, removeMovieClip, setMask, startDrag, stop, stopDrag, swapDepths, unloadMovie, valueOf

Methods inherited from class Object

addProperty, hasOwnProperty, isPropertyEnumerable, isPrototypeOf, registerClass, toLocaleString, toString, unwatch, valueOf, watch

Field Documentation


public var autoKeyNav: String
Use default keydown handling of arrow keys to navigate slides


var className: String
name of this class


public var overlayChildren: Boolean
Display child slides as bullet-style overlays


public var playHidden: Boolean
Continue to play the slide's timeline when the slide is not visible


static var symbolName: String
SymbolName for object


static var symbolOwner: Object
Class used in createClassObject

Property Documentation


public currentChildSlide: Slide (read-only)
Immediate child slide that contains the current (leaf-node) slide.

Read-Only: use gotoSlide() to set the currentChildSlide


public static currentFocusedSlide: Slide (read-only)
Leaf-node slide that contains the current focused field or component Read-Only: use setFocus() to set the focus


public currentSlide: Slide (read-only)
Leaf-node slide that is currently active Read-Only: use gotoSlide() to set the currentChildSlide


public defaultKeyDownHandler: Function (read, write)
keydown handler to call to process keys for this slide


public firstSlide: Slide (read-only)
First leaf slide in this slide's subtree Read-Only: use createChild() to create new slides


public indexInParentSlide: Number (read-only)
zero-based index of this slide in its parent (getChildSlide) Read-Only: use createChild() to add new child slides


public lastSlide: Slide (read-only)
Last leaf slide in this slide's subtree Read-Only: use createChild() to create new slides


public nextSlide: Slide (read-only)
next slide after this slide in the slide outline Read-Only: use createChild() to add new child slides


public numChildSlides: Number (read-only)
number of children of this slide that are slides, not including forms Read-Only: use createChild() to add new child slides


public parentIsSlide: Boolean (read-only)
True if this slide's _parent is a slide Read-Only: use createChild() to add new child slides


public parentSlide: Slide (read-only)
Slide containing this slide.

May be null for the root slide. Read-Only: use createChild() to add new child screens


public previousSlide: Slide (read-only)
previous slide before this slide in the slide outline Read-Only: use createChild() to add new child slides


public rootSlide: Slide (read-only)
Root slide of the slide subtree that contains this screen Read-Only: use createChild() to add new child screens

Constructor Documentation


function Slide()
Slide class constructor

Method Documentation


function childLoaded(obj: MovieClip): Void
handle fixups when we load a subtree in from an external movie using createChild()


the loaded child


function destroyChildAt(childIndex: Number): Void
Override from View class.

destroy n'th child slide


a number from 0 to N-1


function doLaterGotoSlide()
Private methods deferred gotoSlide processing when gotoSlide() is called re-entrantly


function getChildSlide(childIndex: Number): Slide
Get the nth child of this slide (zero-based)

which slide to get


public function gotoFirstSlide()
Navigate to the first leaf slide below this slide


public function gotoLastSlide()
Navigate to the last leaf slide below this slide


public function gotoNextSlide(): Boolean
Navigate to the next leaf slide after this slide


public function gotoPreviousSlide(): Boolean
Navigate to the previous leaf slide before this slide


public function gotoSlide(newSlide: Slide): Boolean
Navigate to a different slide

which slide to navigate to

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