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class FocusManager


class FocusManager
extends UIComponent

Class for managing the focus on components.

Each top-level window has a focus manager.

Field Summary

__defaultPushButton: SimpleButton
pointer to the original defaultPushButton.

bDrawFocus: Boolean
true if we should call drawFocus on the components.

bNeedFocus: Boolean
true if no component has the focus

className: String
name of this class

defaultPushButtonEnabled: Boolean
TextArea and other components that want the enter key disable the focus manager's enter key handling

defPushButton: SimpleButton
the current default pushbutton

the top-level form that this focus manager is responsible for

lastFocus: Object
the object that last had focus

lastMouse: Object
last mouse position

lastSelFocus: Object
the last object according to Selection

lastTabFocus: Object
the object that was last tabbed to

symbolName: String

symbolOwner: Object

version: String
Version string Copyright (C) 2003 Macromedia, Inc.

Fields inherited from class mx.core.UIComponent

clipParameters, drawFocus, enabled, focusEnabled, focusManager, focusTextField, groupName, kStretch, mergedClipParameters, origBorderStyles, origBorderValues, popUp, symbolName, symbolOwner, tabEnabled, tabIndex, version

Fields inherited from class mx.core.UIObject

__height, __width, _color, _topmost, addEventListener, buildDepthTable, changeColorStyleInChildren, changeTextStyleInChildren, childrenCreated, className, clipParameters, color, createAccessibilityImplementation, createChildAtDepth, createEvent, ction, dispatchEvent, embedFonts, findNextAvailableDepth, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, handleEvent, idNames, ignoreClassStyleDeclaration, initProperties, marginLeft, marginRight, methodTable, notifyStyleChangeInChildren, removeEventListener, setStyle, stylecache, styleName, symbolName, symbolOwner, textAlign, textColorList, textDecoration, textIndent, validateNow, version

Fields inherited from class MovieClip

_alpha, _currentframe, _droptarget, _focusrect, _framesloaded, _height, _lockroot, _name, _parent, _quality, _rotation, _soundbuftime, _target, _totalframes, _url, _visible, _width, _x, _xmouse, _xscale, _y, _ymouse, _yscale, enabled, focusEnabled, hitArea, tabChildren, tabEnabled, tabIndex, tooltipText, trackAsMenu, useHandCursor

Fields inherited from class Object

__proto__, constructor, prototype

Property Summary

defaultPushButton: SimpleButton (read, write)
get or set the original default pushbutton.

nextTabIndex: Number (read-only)
get the next unique tab index to use on this form

Properties inherited from class mx.core.UIComponent

height, width

Properties inherited from class mx.core.UIObject

bottom, height, left, minHeight, minWidth, right, scaleX, scaleY, top, visible, width, x, y


FocusManager ( )

Method Summary

activate ( Void ): Void
the SystemManager manages activation of forms if more than one is visible at the same time

deactivate ( Void ): Void
the SystemManager manages activation of forms if more than one is visible at the same time

enabledChanged ( id: String, oldValue: Boolean, newValue: Boolean ): Boolean
a FocusManager has an internal tabKey capture mechanism that is enabled by setting its TabIndex to undefined or not

getActualFocus ( o: Object ): Object
a component may set focus to an internal object that doesn't have tabIndex, etc.

getFocus ( Void ): Object
get the component that current has the focus.

getMaxTabIndex ( o: UIComponent ): Number
get the highest tab index currently used in this focus manager's form or subform

getNextTabIndex ( Void ): Number
internal overridable calculation of the next tab index to use

getSelectionFocus ( ): Object

init ( Void ): Void
initialize variables and make sure we aren't also a tabstop

isOurFocus ( o: Object ): Boolean

onSetFocus ( o: Object, n: Object ): Void
if you were in a textfield and clicked somewhere other than a textfield, the player sets focus automatically to null.

onUnload ( Void ): Void
tell the system manager that we're going bye-bye

relocate ( Void ): Void
the focus manager stays off screen.

restoreFocus ( Void ): Void
not only do we restore focus back to the last thing that had it but if it is a textfield, we also restore the selection

setFocus ( o: Object ): Void
set the focus to an object.

walkTree ( p: MovieClip, index: Number, groupName: String, dir: Boolean, lookup: Boolean, firstChild: Boolean ): Void
instead of caching and updating the tab list, we simply scan for them on each Tab key.

Methods inherited from class mx.core.UIComponent

dispatchValueChangedEvent, enabledChanged, findFocusFromObject, findFocusInChildren, getFocus, getFocusManager, init, isParent, onKillFocus, onSetFocus, pressFocus, releaseFocus, setEnabled, setFocus, setVisible, size

Methods inherited from class mx.core.UIObject

__getTextFormat, _createChildren, _getTextFormat, cancelAllDoLaters, constructObject, createChildren, createClassObject, createEmptyObject, createLabel, createObject, createSkin, destroyObject, doLater, doLaterDispatcher, draw, drawRect, getClassStyleDeclaration, getMinHeight, getMinWidth, getSkinIDName, getStyle, getStyleName, init, initFromClipParameters, invalidate, invalidateStyle, mergeClipParameters, move, redraw, setColor, setMinHeight, setMinWidth, setSize, setSkin, setVisible, size

Methods inherited from class MovieClip

attachAudio, attachMovie, beginFill, beginGradientFill, clear, createEmptyMovieClip, createTextField, curveTo, duplicateMovieClip, endFill, getBounds, getBytesLoaded, getBytesTotal, getDepth, getInstanceAtDepth, getNextHighestDepth, getSWFVersion, getTextSnapshot, getURL, globalToLocal, gotoAndPlay, gotoAndStop, hitTest, lineStyle, lineTo, loadMovie, loadVariables, localToGlobal, moveTo, nextFrame, onData, onDragOut, onDragOver, onEnterFrame, onKeyDown, onKeyUp, onKillFocus, onLoad, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseUp, onPress, onRelease, onReleaseOutside, onRollOut, onRollOver, onSetFocus, onUnload, play, prevFrame, removeMovieClip, setMask, startDrag, stop, stopDrag, swapDepths, unloadMovie, valueOf

Methods inherited from class Object

addProperty, hasOwnProperty, isPropertyEnumerable, isPrototypeOf, registerClass, toLocaleString, toString, unwatch, valueOf, watch

Field Documentation


var __defaultPushButton: SimpleButton
pointer to the original defaultPushButton.

The actual default pushbutton changes if focus is given to another pushbutton, but switches back to the original if focus is not on a button


var bDrawFocus: Boolean
true if we should call drawFocus on the components.

when tabbing, this is true, when mousing, this is false


var bNeedFocus: Boolean
true if no component has the focus


var className: String
name of this class


var defaultPushButtonEnabled: Boolean
TextArea and other components that want the enter key disable the focus manager's enter key handling


var defPushButton: SimpleButton
the current default pushbutton


var form
the top-level form that this focus manager is responsible for


var lastFocus: Object
the object that last had focus


var lastMouse: Object
last mouse position


var lastSelFocus: Object
the last object according to Selection


var lastTabFocus: Object
the object that was last tabbed to


static var symbolName: String


static var symbolOwner: Object


static var version: String
Version string Copyright (C) 2003 Macromedia, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. The following is Sample Code and is subject to all restrictions on such code as contained in the End User License Agreement accompanying this product.

Property Documentation


defaultPushButton: SimpleButton (read, write)
get or set the original default pushbutton.

This may not be the actual button that is the default


nextTabIndex: Number (read-only)
get the next unique tab index to use on this form

Constructor Documentation


function FocusManager()

Method Documentation


function activate(Void): Void
the SystemManager manages activation of forms if more than one is visible at the same time


function deactivate(Void): Void
the SystemManager manages activation of forms if more than one is visible at the same time


function enabledChanged(id: String,
 oldValue: Boolean,
 newValue: Boolean): Boolean
a FocusManager has an internal tabKey capture mechanism that is enabled by setting its TabIndex to undefined or not



function getActualFocus(o: Object): Object
a component may set focus to an internal object that doesn't have tabIndex, etc.

We need to find out what component owns this internal object


function getFocus(Void): Object
get the component that current has the focus.

Recommended instead of using Selection object because it will tell you which component. Selection might return a subobject in that component


the object that has focus


function getMaxTabIndex(o: UIComponent): Number
get the highest tab index currently used in this focus manager's form or subform

the form or subform
Number the highest tab index currently used


function getNextTabIndex(Void): Number
internal overridable calculation of the next tab index to use


function getSelectionFocus(): Object


function init(Void): Void
initialize variables and make sure we aren't also a tabstop



function isOurFocus(o: Object): Boolean


function onSetFocus(o: Object,
 n: Object): Void
if you were in a textfield and clicked somewhere other than a textfield, the player sets focus automatically to null.

we take note of this and if focus doesn't end up in a movieclip, we set focus back to the textfield.



function onUnload(Void): Void
tell the system manager that we're going bye-bye



function relocate(Void): Void
the focus manager stays off screen.

If the stage resizes, the focus manager must move as well


function restoreFocus(Void): Void
not only do we restore focus back to the last thing that had it but if it is a textfield, we also restore the selection


function setFocus(o: Object): Void
set the focus to an object.

Recommended instead of using Selection object


the object to receive focus


function walkTree(p: MovieClip,
 index: Number,
 groupName: String,
 dir: Boolean,
 lookup: Boolean,
 firstChild: Boolean): Void
instead of caching and updating the tab list, we simply scan for them on each Tab key.

There seems to be enough time to run this calculation

the node in the tree to search
the tabindex of the last focused item in case there's another item with the same tabindex
groupname of the last focused item so we won't tab to other things in that group
true if Tab, false if shift-Tab
true if we're not at the top level and need to search the parents as well
true if we haven't found the first child yet

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