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class TreeRow


class TreeRow
extends SelectableRow

Field Summary

disclosure: MovieClip

indentAdjust: Number
::: Defaults

node: Object
::: Declarations

nodeIcon: MovieClip

open: Boolean

rotationTween: Tween

Fields inherited from class mx.controls.listclasses.SelectableRow

backGround, bGCol, bGTween, cell, clr, disabledColor, grandOwner, highlight, highlightColor, icon_mc, isChangedToSelected, item, listOwner, LOWEST_DEPTH, normalColor, owner, rowIndex, state

Fields inherited from class mx.core.UIComponent

clipParameters, drawFocus, enabled, focusEnabled, focusManager, focusTextField, groupName, kStretch, mergedClipParameters, origBorderStyles, origBorderValues, popUp, symbolName, symbolOwner, tabEnabled, tabIndex, version

Fields inherited from class mx.core.UIObject

__height, __width, _color, _topmost, addEventListener, buildDepthTable, changeColorStyleInChildren, changeTextStyleInChildren, childrenCreated, className, clipParameters, color, createAccessibilityImplementation, createChildAtDepth, createEvent, ction, dispatchEvent, embedFonts, findNextAvailableDepth, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, handleEvent, idNames, ignoreClassStyleDeclaration, initProperties, marginLeft, marginRight, methodTable, notifyStyleChangeInChildren, removeEventListener, setStyle, stylecache, styleName, symbolName, symbolOwner, textAlign, textColorList, textDecoration, textIndent, validateNow, version

Fields inherited from class MovieClip

_alpha, _currentframe, _droptarget, _focusrect, _framesloaded, _height, _lockroot, _name, _parent, _quality, _rotation, _soundbuftime, _target, _totalframes, _url, _visible, _width, _x, _xmouse, _xscale, _y, _ymouse, _yscale, enabled, focusEnabled, hitArea, tabChildren, tabEnabled, tabIndex, tooltipText, trackAsMenu, useHandCursor

Fields inherited from class Object

__proto__, constructor, prototype

Properties inherited from class mx.core.UIComponent

height, width

Properties inherited from class mx.core.UIObject

bottom, height, left, minHeight, minWidth, right, scaleX, scaleY, top, visible, width, x, y

Method Summary

createChildren ( )

disclosurePress ( )
this is scoped to the disclosure icon.

getNormalColor ( )
Gets the color of normal backgrounds

setValue ( item, state )
::: METHODS for EXTENDING EXTEND this method to change the rendering of the content in an item (multiple cells, icons, etc)

size ( )
This is for adjusting the size of the highlight, its associated hit area, and the other contents EXTEND this for more layout of other content types

Methods inherited from class mx.controls.listclasses.SelectableRow

bGOnDragOut, bGOnDragOver, bGOnPress, bGOnRelease, bGOnRollOut, bGOnRollOver, createChildren, drawRow, drawRowFill, getCellIndex, getDataLabel, getNormalColor, init, invalidateStyle, itemToString, onTweenEnd, onTweenUpdate, setCellRenderer, setState, setupBG, setValue, size

Methods inherited from class mx.core.UIComponent

dispatchValueChangedEvent, enabledChanged, findFocusFromObject, findFocusInChildren, getFocus, getFocusManager, init, isParent, onKillFocus, onSetFocus, pressFocus, releaseFocus, setEnabled, setFocus, setVisible, size

Methods inherited from class mx.core.UIObject

__getTextFormat, _createChildren, _getTextFormat, cancelAllDoLaters, constructObject, createChildren, createClassObject, createEmptyObject, createLabel, createObject, createSkin, destroyObject, doLater, doLaterDispatcher, draw, drawRect, getClassStyleDeclaration, getMinHeight, getMinWidth, getSkinIDName, getStyle, getStyleName, init, initFromClipParameters, invalidate, invalidateStyle, mergeClipParameters, move, redraw, setColor, setMinHeight, setMinWidth, setSize, setSkin, setVisible, size

Methods inherited from class MovieClip

attachAudio, attachMovie, beginFill, beginGradientFill, clear, createEmptyMovieClip, createTextField, curveTo, duplicateMovieClip, endFill, getBounds, getBytesLoaded, getBytesTotal, getDepth, getInstanceAtDepth, getNextHighestDepth, getSWFVersion, getTextSnapshot, getURL, globalToLocal, gotoAndPlay, gotoAndStop, hitTest, lineStyle, lineTo, loadMovie, loadVariables, localToGlobal, moveTo, nextFrame, onData, onDragOut, onDragOver, onEnterFrame, onKeyDown, onKeyUp, onKillFocus, onLoad, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseUp, onPress, onRelease, onReleaseOutside, onRollOut, onRollOver, onSetFocus, onUnload, play, prevFrame, removeMovieClip, setMask, startDrag, stop, stopDrag, swapDepths, unloadMovie, valueOf

Methods inherited from class Object

addProperty, hasOwnProperty, isPropertyEnumerable, isPrototypeOf, registerClass, toLocaleString, toString, unwatch, valueOf, watch

Field Documentation


var disclosure: MovieClip


var indentAdjust: Number
::: Defaults


var node: Object
::: Declarations


var nodeIcon: MovieClip


var open: Boolean


var rotationTween: Tween

Method Documentation


function createChildren()



function disclosurePress()
this is scoped to the disclosure icon.

_parent is the row.


function getNormalColor()
Gets the color of normal backgrounds



function setValue(item,
::: METHODS for EXTENDING EXTEND this method to change the rendering of the content in an item (multiple cells, icons, etc)



function size()
This is for adjusting the size of the highlight, its associated hit area, and the other contents EXTEND this for more layout of other content types


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