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class HScrollBar


class HScrollBar
extends ScrollBar

horizontal scrollbar.

It is actually the base scrollbar rotated 90 degrees Most of the code swaps axes

Field Summary

className: String
name of this class

maxMode: String

minMode: String

minusMode: String
the detail strings for horizontal scroll events

plusMode: String

symbolName: String

symbolOwner: Object

version: String
Version string Copyright (C) 2003 Macromedia, Inc.

Fields inherited from class mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar

_scrollPosition, boundingBox_mc, className, clipParameters, downArrow_mc, downArrowDownName, downArrowName, downArrowOverName, downArrowUpName, idNames, initializing, isScrolling, largeScroll, maxMode, maxPos, mergedClipParameters, minMode, minPos, minusMode, pageSize, plusMode, scrollHandler, scrolling, scrollThumb_mc, scrollTrack_mc, scrollTrackDownName, scrollTrackName, scrollTrackOverName, skinIDDownArrow, skinIDThumb, skinIDTrack, skinIDTrackDown, skinIDTrackOver, skinIDUpArrow, smallScroll, symbolOwner, thumbBottomName, thumbGripName, thumbMiddleName, thumbTopName, upArrow_mc, upArrowDownName, upArrowName, upArrowOverName, upArrowUpName

Fields inherited from class mx.core.UIComponent

clipParameters, drawFocus, enabled, focusEnabled, focusManager, focusTextField, groupName, kStretch, mergedClipParameters, origBorderStyles, origBorderValues, popUp, symbolName, symbolOwner, tabEnabled, tabIndex, version

Fields inherited from class mx.core.UIObject

__height, __width, _color, _topmost, addEventListener, buildDepthTable, changeColorStyleInChildren, changeTextStyleInChildren, childrenCreated, className, clipParameters, color, createAccessibilityImplementation, createChildAtDepth, createEvent, ction, dispatchEvent, embedFonts, findNextAvailableDepth, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, handleEvent, idNames, ignoreClassStyleDeclaration, initProperties, marginLeft, marginRight, methodTable, notifyStyleChangeInChildren, removeEventListener, setStyle, stylecache, styleName, symbolName, symbolOwner, textAlign, textColorList, textDecoration, textIndent, validateNow, version

Fields inherited from class MovieClip

_alpha, _currentframe, _droptarget, _focusrect, _framesloaded, _height, _lockroot, _name, _parent, _quality, _rotation, _soundbuftime, _target, _totalframes, _url, _visible, _width, _x, _xmouse, _xscale, _y, _ymouse, _yscale, enabled, focusEnabled, hitArea, tabChildren, tabEnabled, tabIndex, tooltipText, trackAsMenu, useHandCursor

Fields inherited from class Object

__proto__, constructor, prototype

Property Summary

virtualHeight: Number (read-only)
for internal use only

Properties inherited from class mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar

lineScrollSize, pageScrollSize, scrollPosition, virtualHeight

Properties inherited from class mx.core.UIComponent

height, width

Properties inherited from class mx.core.UIObject

bottom, height, left, minHeight, minWidth, right, scaleX, scaleY, top, visible, width, x, y


HScrollBar ( )

Method Summary

getMinHeight ( Void ): Number

getMinWidth ( Void ): Number

init ( Void ): Void

isScrollBarKey ( k: Number ): Boolean

Methods inherited from class mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar

createButton, createChildren, createThumb, dispatchScrollChangedEvent, dispatchScrollEvent, draw, init, isScrollBarKey, onDownArrow, onScrollChanged, onUpArrow, releaseScrolling, scrollInterval, scrollIt, setEnabled, setScrollProperties, size, startTrackScroller, stopScrolling, trackOut, trackOver, trackScroller

Methods inherited from class mx.core.UIComponent

dispatchValueChangedEvent, enabledChanged, findFocusFromObject, findFocusInChildren, getFocus, getFocusManager, init, isParent, onKillFocus, onSetFocus, pressFocus, releaseFocus, setEnabled, setFocus, setVisible, size

Methods inherited from class mx.core.UIObject

__getTextFormat, _createChildren, _getTextFormat, cancelAllDoLaters, constructObject, createChildren, createClassObject, createEmptyObject, createLabel, createObject, createSkin, destroyObject, doLater, doLaterDispatcher, draw, drawRect, getClassStyleDeclaration, getMinHeight, getMinWidth, getSkinIDName, getStyle, getStyleName, init, initFromClipParameters, invalidate, invalidateStyle, mergeClipParameters, move, redraw, setColor, setMinHeight, setMinWidth, setSize, setSkin, setVisible, size

Methods inherited from class MovieClip

attachAudio, attachMovie, beginFill, beginGradientFill, clear, createEmptyMovieClip, createTextField, curveTo, duplicateMovieClip, endFill, getBounds, getBytesLoaded, getBytesTotal, getDepth, getInstanceAtDepth, getNextHighestDepth, getSWFVersion, getTextSnapshot, getURL, globalToLocal, gotoAndPlay, gotoAndStop, hitTest, lineStyle, lineTo, loadMovie, loadVariables, localToGlobal, moveTo, nextFrame, onData, onDragOut, onDragOver, onEnterFrame, onKeyDown, onKeyUp, onKillFocus, onLoad, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseUp, onPress, onRelease, onReleaseOutside, onRollOut, onRollOver, onSetFocus, onUnload, play, prevFrame, removeMovieClip, setMask, startDrag, stop, stopDrag, swapDepths, unloadMovie, valueOf

Methods inherited from class Object

addProperty, hasOwnProperty, isPropertyEnumerable, isPrototypeOf, registerClass, toLocaleString, toString, unwatch, valueOf, watch

Field Documentation


var className: String
name of this class


var maxMode: String


var minMode: String


var minusMode: String
the detail strings for horizontal scroll events


var plusMode: String


static var symbolName: String


static var symbolOwner: Object


static var version: String
Version string Copyright (C) 2003 Macromedia, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. The following is Sample Code and is subject to all restrictions on such code as contained in the End User License Agreement accompanying this product.

Property Documentation


virtualHeight: Number (read-only)
for internal use only

Used by horizontal bar to deal with rotation


Constructor Documentation


function HScrollBar()

Method Documentation


function getMinHeight(Void): Number


function getMinWidth(Void): Number


function init(Void): Void


function isScrollBarKey(k: Number): Boolean

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